Friday, November 20, 2015

Soursop Leaf Health Benefits For The Human Body

Soursop Leaf Health Benefits For The Human Body 

You must already know the soursop quite well. This fruit is delicious and sweet fruit that we often encounter in the market or supermarket. Soursop also has a relatively cheap price compared with other fruit. Unfortunately this is one fruit Seasonal fruit that is not at any moment can appear and purchased. But recently it turns out not only useful soursop fruit but the leaves are also now has health benefits for the human body. Benefits of soursop leaves for the human body is diverse and various functions. Even today in many herbs and herbal remedies are found benefits to be derived from the leaves. Soursop Leaf diverse benefits for health :

There are many benefits of soursop leaves is one of them and the most popular is for the treatment of diabetes mellitus or a disease caused by the rise of blood sugar in the blood unbridled result of insulin deficiency resulting in damage and impaired function of tissues and organs of the human body. Soursop leaf has active compounds that can lower blood sugar levels by triggering the production of insulin which is optimized so that blood sugar can be better controlled.

Soursop leaves other benefits for health is as a cancer drug. Indeed, this disease becomes a frightening specter for us all. How cancer may not be very difficult to treat, especially when the development of the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. Soursop leaves have benefits kills cancer cells even stronger than chemotherapy or radiotherapy. This reaction is referred to as apoktosis or cell death process in a natural way and it does not affect the use of chemicals like chemotherapy and even radiation.

Benefits of soursop leaf is also capable of being a material other than anti-cancer and lowering blood sugar levels are also good for people with hypertension or high blood pressure. High blood pressure is spurring a wide range of chronic and chronic diseases such as clogged arteries, coronary heart disease and even stroke. Of course it is not desired by us all as human beings. We want our lives to keep good quality until the end of life of our pick. This is normal because of chronic diseases is actually not the cause of our death because everyone is bound to die at the time but at least we tried to keep until we die we do not have the disease that is not only the many costly but also inconvenient family.

Benefits of soursop leaves will be more effective if it combined with mangosteen fruit as a miracle fruit that is talked about a lot of people. The specialty of these pieces lies in the high content of antioxidants and a variety of active compounds than other fruits. The fruit is not as high as its contents compared with the mangosteen fruit. The combination of both proved to be effective in treating a variety of dangerous diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The most important thing when taking soursop leaf is fixed to avoid various kinds of restrictions recommended by doctors and should not continue an unhealthy lifestyle.

Well, now you already know the benefits of soursop leaves for your health. Hopefully you can take advantage of the soursop leaves. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus pose your 10 soursop leaves and boiled in 4 cups of boiling water. Combine with 2 knuckles of ginger and turmeric to add one segment of the anti infalamsi.

Various Benefits Bay Leaves For Health

Various Benefits Bay Leaves For Health

Salam is a name of a tree that produces leaves of spices that is usually used as an ingredient in cuisine. While the scientific name of bay leaf For yourself known Syzgium polyanthum. Laurel generally have a medium size, height of 30 m with a diameter of 60 cm. Bark is brown gray. Some of the content contained in the leaves is an essential oil, ethanol extract, methanol extract, flavonoids, tannins, and also oil astiri. Besides being used as a cooking ingredient, bay leaves also have a wide range of benefits. Some of the benefits leaves that are usually used in the medical world is as follows:

Lowering Cholesterol

For those of you who happen to have a problem with excess cholesterol levels, it helps you try to consume the spice this one that leaves. Benefits of bay leaf itself has been known by many people. Besides being used as a food seasoning, bay leaves can also be used as a drug to lower cholesterol levels in the body. It is very easy that provide 10 to 15 bay leaves are still fresh. Then wash thoroughly and then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining approximately 1 cup only. After it cool and strain the cooking water bay leaves and drink as well as evenings. Perform routine, thus cholesterol levels will be reduced gradually.

Treating Diabetes

Benefits leaves the second is that it can be used to treat diabetes. The trick is also very easy that is enough to set up a 7 to 15 fresh bay leaves, then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining one cup only. Then cool and strain. Drink twice a day for the results obtained more leverage. In addition to drinking water is boiling leaves, it helps if you also maintain your diet and eat healthy food. Thus the result will be maximal.

Treating Ulcer

Bay leaves next benefit is that it can be used as medicine heartburn acute. For those of you who have had a severe ulcer disease, you can try this one therapy. way is to prepare 10 to 20 fresh bay leaves, then boiled in half a liter of water to boil with less than fifteen minutes. Then add brown sugar to taste. After chilling, drinking regularly until the pain in the abdomen began to subside and disappear.

Improve Digestive Health

Benefits of bay leaves which four are able to maintain digestive health in the body. The content of minerals and vitamins in it can help facilitate digestion and can overcome digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, and so forth. It is very easy, namely by boiling some bay leaves are mixed with a little salt. After the cold boiled water, drink and do the therapy regularly until your digestive problems reduced.

Thus some simple information we can convey the benefits associated with the bay leaves. It turns out not only the leaves can be used as a cooking ingredient, but can also be used as drugs. Hopefully the information we have described above can be useful and can add to the knowledge of the reader as well.

Health Benefits of Basil For Men and Women

Health Benefits of Basil For Men and Women

Basil leaves, one of the plants that are often used as fresh vegetables friend turns out to have enormous benefits for the body. The leaves have a distinctive taste that is not much liked. Behind the distinctive taste and smell, basil saving benefits that are not known to many people. The basil leaves benefits not only for health but also for beauty. Want to know what are the benefits of basil?

The content of basil leaves to make leaf, also known as basil has many benefits not only for the body and skin. Benefits of basil leaves can be also as an herbal remedy that can relieve the symptoms of the disease in the body. Here are some benefits of basil leaves that need to know, including:

Able to relieve the fever and colds

Erratic weather changes plus the stamina that are less fit, will make the body susceptible to fever or colds. Do not rush to provide medicinal chemistry, use the benefits of basil leaves that can relieve fever and colds. How to make are crushed basil leaves together with the onions and coconut oil. Then stay rubbed on the abdomen, chest and back.

Efficacious for the health of the eyes and mouth

Basil leaves contain vitamin A which is very high. Vitamin A has a benefit in maintaining eye health. In addition, the basil leaves have a distinctive taste efficacious in maintaining oral health and freshen breath.

Can smooth milk

Able to crush the basil leaves in addition to body odor and bad breath, is also able to maintain the quality and increase the intake of breast milk of nursing mothers. Do not forget to include basil leaves in your daily menu during lactation.

Being anti-inflammatory

Efficacy basil is as an anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory that can help in the healing of wounds or swelling very powerful. Basil leaves are also good consumed to reduce the symptoms of arthritis because it contains high calcium consumption making it suitable to prevent osteoporosis.

Able to delay menopause

Basil benefits for women one of which is that it can help slow the process of menopause in women. This is because the substance tryptophan in basil that could hinder the process of menopause.

Able to stimulate the growth of the egg

Basil leaves benefits for other women are able to stimulate the growth of the egg. This can cause a person to become more fertile women.

Able to maintain a healthy heart
The content of beta-carotene, and magnesium contained in basil able to protect and maintain the health of your heart. According to the research content of these have an important role to heart health.

Able to reduce the negative effects of smoking

Benefits basil leaves very appropriate for this man intended for those who like to smoke. The content of antioxidants found in basil leaves can improve the body's systems that have been damaged by the effects of nicotine contained in cigarettes. You can chew basil leaves when you want to smoke. In this way, the desire to smoke will be reduced.

Able to strengthen the ability of sperm cells

Basil leaves benefits for men are able to strengthen the endurance of sperm cells. The content of arginine in the basil able to prevent infertility in men and can protect and maintain reproductive health for men.

Thus some of the benefits of basil leaves you need to know. Do not forget to include basil leaves in each of your dishes.

5 Benefits of breadfruit leaves are Good for Health

5 Benefits of breadfruit leaves are Good for Health

 Did you know that the leaves of breadfruit has good benefits for health? Breadfruit leaf health benefits to be quite effective in treating some chronic diseases. Not only breadfruit that can be exploited. Breadfruit leaf also has benefits, not as food palatable but can be a main ingredient in producing traditional medicines. Traditional medicine is made from breadfruit leaf is quite effective and proven to be effective in treating some diseases. For those of you who want to know what are the benefits of breadfruit leaf consider the following review.

Treat gout

 Breadfruit leaves the first benefit is that it can be used as a gout medication. To treat gout you should choose breadfruit leaves are still fresh, not perforated and smooth. Then wash clean, cut into small pieces and dried by drying. Once dry, the breadfruit leaves brewed using hot water. You can also add muscle Greges leaves. Allow a few moments and strain, drink the water when cool. You can add honey or sugar cubes to give a sweet taste. This traditional medicinal drink 2 times a day.

Treat kidney disease

 Benefits the breadfruit leaf for these kidneys can be obtained by drinking a decoction of the leaves of breadfruit on a regular basis. As with the previous method, select the best leaves to be cut into pieces and dried. Only dried breadfruit leaf is boiled, not brewed.

Treating heart disease 

Another benefit breadfruit leaves that can treat heart disease. For those of you who have heart problems can consume traditional medicine from leaves of breadfruit. To obtain the benefits of breadfruit leaves the heart healthy, you can choose a breadfruit leaf old. Make sure the breadfruit leaf still attached to the tree. Clean with water and then dried in the sun to dry. Boiled breadfruit leaves are using 5 cups water, boil until the water remains only a half of it. Drink regularly for maximum results.

Treating diabetes

 Breadfruit leaves are also useful to address and treat diabetes. The trick is almost the same as the previous method, boiled breadfruit leaves elderly using clean water. Wait until the water a half of it and drink regularly. Benefits breadfruit leaves for diabetes is the maximum you can get by consuming traditional medicine regularly breadfruit leaf in the morning.

Treating liver disease

 Efficacy or other benefits from the leaves of breadfruit that can treat liver disease. Liver disease, including one of dangerous and deadly disease. For treating liver disease, you can drink the water decoction of dried breadfruit leaves 2 times a day. Breadfruit leaf benefits for treating liver disease is the maximum you can get with the consumption of regular and orderly. In 1 drink dosage is 1 cup of water decoction of dried leaves of breadfruit. 
There are many benefits of breadfruit leaves that you can use to maintain your health. In addition to knowing the benefits of leaves of breadfruit, it helps if you know the existing content in the leaves of breadfruit. Substances contained in the leaves of breadfruit among which tannins, hidrosinat acid, riboflavin and also asetilcolin. These substances are useful against a dangerous source of disease in the human body. For those of you who want to have a healthy body, it never hurts to utilize breadfruit leaves as the main ingredient of herbal drug manufacturing. A few of the benefits of breadfruit leaves, get your body health with easy steps.

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Health and Beauty

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Health and Beauty

Papaya is a tropical fruit species originating from South America and Mexico. Fresh fruit with orange color, is indeed very delicious when enjoyed when the day is hot. In the medical world, the papaya fruit is very famous for its potency to treat several types of ailments. In Indonesia alone papaya fruit has a big number and can be found everywhere and the price is very cheap. Most people only know the benefits of the fruit, but there is one part of a papaya tree that actually contains a lot of benefit that leaves. Benefits of papaya leaves are used not only in health but it can also be used in the world of beauty. Papaya leaf itself contains several compounds that have the effect katif very good for the body. Here we will give some description of the benefits to be derived from the leaves of papaya.

As Acne Medication 

The first benefits of papaya leaves is that it can be used as an acne medication. Actually, our ancestors had many past papaya utilize this as one of the drugs to get rid of acne. How to use it is also very easy that is by taking 2 to 3 pieces of old papaya leaves. Then dry in the sun for a while and mash until smooth. After that, put 1 tablespoon of water and mix until evenly distributed. Use the collision papaya as a mask. Let stand until approximately twenty minutes. After that, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel. Perform this routine therapy for acne quickly disappear.

Dengue drug

Benefits of papaya leaves the second is that it can be used as medicine dengue fever. For those of you who incidentally affected by dengue fever or dengue indicated experiencing symptoms, you can consume papaya leaves as medicine. Papaya leaves are very well taken by patients with dengue fever since papaya leaves contain substances that can neutralize the disease. it is very easy that is by boiling the leaves of papaya along with meniran, brown sugar and ginger. Boil until cooked, then cool. Once cool, the herb can be taken.

Anti-cancer drug 

Benefits of papaya leaves the third is that it can be used as an anti-cancer drug. Some studies indicate if the stem papaya contain white sap or better known as the milky white latex that is very powerful when used as an anti-cancer drug. But you do not need to eat the fruit papaya trunk to get the properties of these substances. You simply consume papaya because in papaya leaves also contain the same substance.

Good for digestion 

Benefits of papaya leaves the latter is for digestive health. Consume papaya leaves that have been boiled will be excellent for improving digestion. It is caused by substances karparin contained in papaya leaves. Karparin substance itself is a chemical that can eradicate microorganisms that can cause digestive problems.  To get optimal results, you can drink it 2 to 3 times a week.

Thus some explanations that we can convey the benefits associated with papaya leaves. To benefit from this papaya leaf turns not have to always be consumed, but it papaya leaves can also be used as a mask.

15 Benefits Binahong Leaves for Health

Benefits binahong leaves may not be widely known by our society. In fact, there are any who do not know this type of leaf. Binahong with the scientific name rubra linn Bassela is one species of medicinal plants. This plant has many benefits both to treat minor illnesses or severe chronic disease. The plant itself is already present in Indonesia since the old country, but its use as a medicinal plant recently known to our society. Binahong leaves itself the article comes from the land of Korea. There are many benefits for health binahong leaves that can be put to good use against various diseases.Chinese society itself actually know this binahong leaves as Deng San Chi. In fact, since ancient times, binahong has been consumed by the army in the country of Vietnam during the war against American soldiers. For those of you who do not know, what are the benefits binahong leaves then we will share the information to you as follows:Binahong leaves have a lot of content that is nutritious treat inflammatory bowel diseases. These medicinal plants are also chapters can treat various types of injuries. 

For those of you who already performed the operation and wanted to heal the scar quickly, then you can take advantage of the properties of the leaf binahong for wound healing this operation. In addition, binahong also beneficial for treating bleeding or wound during circumcision.

Binahong medicinal plants functioning blood circulation so that inhibition of circulatory disorders can be resolved by using this binahong leaves.

For those of you who have a high blood pressure disorder, then you can consume leaves binahong to stabilize the blood pressure back to normal.
The content contained in binahong, also makes the benefits binahong leaves as one of the traditional treatment of stroke. 
Binahong leaf can also treat the most feared diseases of all people in the world, namely tumor and cancer. For that, you do not have to worry about eating enough binahong leaf with the right dose in order to get the properties. 

For patients with rheumatism which generally strikes people at an advanced age, you can take advantage of these herbs. Because of the benefits derived from the leaves of binahong which implies serves to cure and prevent joint pain and rheumatism.

To prevent kidney stones, you can use the benefits of the leaf binahong because it could unleash the body's metabolism and prevent kidney disease. Binahong leaf content can also launch the process of metabolism that can prevent and treat disease related to diabetes which is also the body's metabolism.

For those of you affected by canker sores, canker sores immediately treat you to consume leaves binahong. Because one of the benefits of this binahong leaves are good for curing canker sores in the mouth or on the tongue.

Binahong leaf is also believed efficacious for treating the symptoms of abdominal pain or dizziness in the head. Both of these diseases are common diseases in our society. For that, you can use the leaves binahong to heal.

For those of you who feel unwell or feeling achy entire body then you can try to cope with the use binahong leaves. Because efficacy binahong could give effect to warm the body and overcome stiffness in the body.

Cholesterol disease is a kind of common disease in the community due to excess fat in the body, for that you can use the leaves binahong to tackle high cholesterol.

Binahong also believed to overcome heartburn are common in our society. In addition to treating diseases above, leaves binahong also merit in maintaining the vitality and increase endurance.