Friday, November 20, 2015

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Health and Beauty

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Health and Beauty

Papaya is a tropical fruit species originating from South America and Mexico. Fresh fruit with orange color, is indeed very delicious when enjoyed when the day is hot. In the medical world, the papaya fruit is very famous for its potency to treat several types of ailments. In Indonesia alone papaya fruit has a big number and can be found everywhere and the price is very cheap. Most people only know the benefits of the fruit, but there is one part of a papaya tree that actually contains a lot of benefit that leaves. Benefits of papaya leaves are used not only in health but it can also be used in the world of beauty. Papaya leaf itself contains several compounds that have the effect katif very good for the body. Here we will give some description of the benefits to be derived from the leaves of papaya.

As Acne Medication 

The first benefits of papaya leaves is that it can be used as an acne medication. Actually, our ancestors had many past papaya utilize this as one of the drugs to get rid of acne. How to use it is also very easy that is by taking 2 to 3 pieces of old papaya leaves. Then dry in the sun for a while and mash until smooth. After that, put 1 tablespoon of water and mix until evenly distributed. Use the collision papaya as a mask. Let stand until approximately twenty minutes. After that, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel. Perform this routine therapy for acne quickly disappear.

Dengue drug

Benefits of papaya leaves the second is that it can be used as medicine dengue fever. For those of you who incidentally affected by dengue fever or dengue indicated experiencing symptoms, you can consume papaya leaves as medicine. Papaya leaves are very well taken by patients with dengue fever since papaya leaves contain substances that can neutralize the disease. it is very easy that is by boiling the leaves of papaya along with meniran, brown sugar and ginger. Boil until cooked, then cool. Once cool, the herb can be taken.

Anti-cancer drug 

Benefits of papaya leaves the third is that it can be used as an anti-cancer drug. Some studies indicate if the stem papaya contain white sap or better known as the milky white latex that is very powerful when used as an anti-cancer drug. But you do not need to eat the fruit papaya trunk to get the properties of these substances. You simply consume papaya because in papaya leaves also contain the same substance.

Good for digestion 

Benefits of papaya leaves the latter is for digestive health. Consume papaya leaves that have been boiled will be excellent for improving digestion. It is caused by substances karparin contained in papaya leaves. Karparin substance itself is a chemical that can eradicate microorganisms that can cause digestive problems.  To get optimal results, you can drink it 2 to 3 times a week.

Thus some explanations that we can convey the benefits associated with papaya leaves. To benefit from this papaya leaf turns not have to always be consumed, but it papaya leaves can also be used as a mask.

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